With technology taking over it seems like most parents have a hard time getting their kids outside and active. One way that our family has found to get the kids outside and active is with our local 4H. The kids have been participating now for a family total of 8 years! And it has been one of the best decisions I ever made with my children. They are learning some great skills that will help them in the future and in their future careers.
This year Bubba took 3 projects Wired for Power, Exploring Outdoors & Crank It Up (Small Engines) and made it to State Fair judging with all 3! We have discovered that Bubba is really good at the Electricity Projects to the point that his last 2 judges both Engineers told him he needs to stick with it because he is really good and we need more Engineers. Last year he won the Clock Trophy "top award" with his Electricity project at State Fair.
Pumpkin took 2 projects this year Beginning Fishing and Rockets Away. He made it to State Fair judging with his Rockets Away project and I am so proud of him! He worked so hard building his rocket and had a ton of fun launching it.
Sweet Pea is still a Cloverbud and did a great job with sharing her project about Pets! She also shared how she made a dog toy out of recycled items. She also received a CloverReads award for participating in the reading program.
If your kids are not in 4H and you would like information or help with getting a hold of your local 4H program feel free to reach out to me!
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