Monday, December 27, 2021

Handy Tips for Traveling Abroad with Kids


Handy Tips for Traveling Abroad with Kids
Traveling with children can be a headache at times, and that can be even more so when going overseas. Travel times are longer, the kids are more on edge from being out of their element, and depending on where you go, the parents also have the added burden of trying to handle things in a place where no one speaks their language. Despite all that, it’s still worth it. Here are a few tips to help.
Take Pics of your Kids
It's a vacation, so you're going to be taking pictures of your children all over the place. What we mean here is something different, and not nearly as fun as funny poses in front of the world's art treasures. Every day before going out, take a full body picture of your kids dressed in what they'll be wearing for the day. Should the unthinkable happen, or they simply get lost, authorities will have a current image to help them in the search.

Friday, December 10, 2021

How Do You Say Goodnight?

 *This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, you'll be helping to feed the little angels here at Snowbirds to Seashores.

I recently received the opportunity to review an adorable bedtime book with the kids titled How Do You Say Good Night? I quickly feel in love with this adorable book and have been enjoying reading it with the little ones before bed. I am not sure about you but we love to read a good story and cuddle before bed. I think it creates wonderful lasting memories not only for me and Mr. Anderson but also for the kids. It also enhances their love for books. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Tips for Planning a Family Ski Trip


As the weather gets chillier and the school holidays approach, lots of families are excitedly looking forward to hitting the slopes for some skiing and snowboarding. Whether you’re a lifelong skier and are looking forward to teaching your kids for the first time, or you’re all beginners excited to play in the snow, it’s great fun for all. We all know that travelling with kids can be challenging, especially when they’re young - so here’s some tips for a fuss-free holiday.