Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tips for Cruising with Children


How to Keep the Children Entertained on a Cruise

A cruise is a great way see more of the world in a short space of time. When travelling with kids, though, it can sometimes be difficult to keep the journey in-between stops entertaining. Fortunately, there are many trips centered around those that are bringing young children along with them, with a wide-range of on-board activities. Here’s just a few of the things you should look out for to make sure you get the most out of your family vacation.

Friday, October 9, 2020

David C Cook Family Devotionals Revie

 *This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, you'll be helping to feed the little angels here at Snowbirds to Seashores.


One thing that our family has been trying to do more of is family devotions. It is Mr Anderson and I's job to bring these children up to be good stewards for the Lord. It is not our churches job or their school's job to teach them everything they need to know.  Psalm 22:6 (KJV) says "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." I recently received a set of Family Devotionals by David C Cook to review with my family.

Young Whit & the Traitor's Treasure

 *This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, you'll be helping to feed the little angels here at Snowbirds to Seashores.

I love finding books that I feel my older boys would enjoy reading! Recently I got a copy of Young Whit and the Traitor's Treasure for Pumpkin to read and review. This just seemed like a book that he would really enjoy and get into. Pumpkin has really been getting into adventure and fiction books lately.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Learn To Draw Manga

 *This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, you'll be helping to feed the little angels here at Snowbirds to Seashores.

Since Pumpkin is always drawing I love getting him books to help him learn more about different styles of drawing. Recently I got the book Draw Manga for him to review and help him learn about drawing the Manga style art. 

This book walks you through step by step on how to draw the characters even down to the detail of their clothing. Pumpkin and Sweet Pea have been enjoying working on drawing characters that they find interesting in the book. They really like that the book shows them how to easily draw the characters step by step. The step by step guide can help anyone to easily draw even if they are not a die hard artist.

If you have a budding artist in your home or know one I would recommend this book for them. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Keep The Kids Entertained during Quarantine

 I know that right now many of us parents are trying to find ways to keep our kids entertained during the quarantine. I am sharing some wonderful ideas below with you that I have been coming across. I personally am trying to limit my kids time with electronics. I have been doing this by finding virtual field trips for them to take so they are still learning and not just playing games or watching mindless TV shows.

Zoo Cams & Field Trips

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Three Ways to Make the Most of Your Trip to Florida


Florida is the ‘Sunshine State’, and it offers everything that you would imagine from America’s most dazzling clime. With warm weather, smiling locals, and attractions galore, it’s the perfect place to visit for families, gap year explorers, and luxury lovers alike. Flight Centre can help you get on your way to a fun Florida getaway.

Sometimes, when you travel to a new destination, it’s nice to go off the beaten track and see it from a different perspective, and this is one of the best ways to visit Florida. Although it’s famed for its beaches, theme parks, and pristine golf courses, there is much more to the Sunshine State for those who go in search of its many hidden 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Media Masters Publicity BOOK REVIEW: Disney Stories for 2 + 3 year olds


How perfect are these Disney books for specific age groups. My LO is now 3.5 and we still read every night. It is a great way to bond with your child. Most of these short stories have a few sentences on each page and less than 15 pages. I know after a long day of working, cooking, cleaning, running a toddler, and taking care of my husband and two dogs, by the end of the night I am SPENT! These short stories have beautiful illustrations which my LO loves. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

National Geographic for Kids


One thing that I love to do is encourage my children to read. I also love to have them learn about different cultures that are not local to our area. National Geographic Kids helps me give my children to learn about the world that they live in. Most books seem hard for my younger children to understand and National Geographic understands that and made books that the younger readers can easily understand. 

National Geographic Kids has such a great variety of products to offer children of all ages. It no longer is just the magazines for adults. They have broadened their selection of products to reach more audiences. I personally love the kids selection of items they offer. I enjoy sitting down and reading the books with my children. Not only are my children engaged with the books I am too. 

I recently received some wonderful books to review with my children from National Geographic Kids. I love the wide variety of topics that they offer for the kids. There is literally something on any topic (nature wise) that your child could be interested in.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year, New Goals


I know that we all start the New Year with goals that we want to reach in the New Year. Almost all of us fail at the goals we set within the first few weeks. I am very guilty of that myself so this year I decided to switch things up. Instead of making the normal weight loss goals for myself I decided to make goals of getting my house in order to sell. We quickly outgrew our home no sooner than we moved in. We are slowly working on getting out of debt and getting things in order for what we would like to do with our future. 

We sent 2019 out the window in Florida with family and new friends. The two weeks we spent in Florida really opened my eyes to what needs to be done for my family. I have decided to no longer do what makes everyone else happy. Instead I am going to do what makes my family happy and healthy. Since our oldest son is now in High School and starting to think about college and careers I have made sure he knows that he can go after his dreams even if it means he is not close to me. I do not want my children trapped in a state that has nothing to offer them. 

So welcome to the New Year! We hope you will follow along with the blog this year and all the adventures we hope to go on. I am hoping to bring you more recipes and travel posts this year. I will be posting soon all the different parks we visited while in Florida.